About Elgar Furniture

 Elgar Furniture has been creating furniture solutions since 1991

At  Elgar Furniture I use my woodworking skills and customer`s ideas, to create bespoke furniture that ranges from small to medium sized projects with the aim to join aspiration and budget together.

I have fortunately been based in the Worcester area all of my working life, firstly as an apprentice in a furniture company, then again when Elgar Furniture was created, where I work independently .

Meeting my customers and working with other skilled tradespeople and furniture designers, has helped me realise the scope of what can and needs to be achieved. This experience allows me to offer all the techniques of cabinet making, in addition to others such as woodcarving, woodturning and French/lacquer  polishing. For example, this may be from the restoration of a small wine table, to production of wardrobes for a dressing room.

My workshop has all of the interesting machines you would associate with a cabinet maker, such as a planer/thicknesser, table saw, bandsaw, woodturning lathe and sander. Many chisels, hammers, saws, sash cramps, planes, polishes….. and an essential drawing board as well! All that anyone might need for the next project !

I hope you enjoy looking through my gallery pages and feel inspired to give me a call!

Derek Cottrill

About Elgar Furniture